Thursday, May 6, 2010


I Peter 2:11-12
"Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. Live such good lives among them that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us."

When was the last time you caused a good eyebrow raise from someone you know? Do you handle yourself in such a way that others are baffled by your behaviour? Now, I'm not talking about dancing on a table top during a Cinco de Mayo party, or "signalling" with a certain finger when you get cut off in traffic. Rather, are your actions toward others so different than what our society is accustomed to that your friends or co-workers don't understand you at all?

It seems like displaying kindnesses and acting as Christ would want me to has caused some confusion for those around me this week. Oddly enough, both circumstances have to do with my attitude toward my former husband. You know, even though I was badly hurt by the events that led to our divorce nearly 10 years ago, I try to treat him with a fair amount of courtesy and kindness. Together we are trying to navigate the parenting of our 3 teenage children, see each other several times a week, and attend sporting events, school functions and more with our kiddos.

Well, last week he broke his ankle at a family church event with our kids. A few days later, I heard him and his wife discussing that they might need to rent a wheelchair for him to use at work since he was supposed to keep the weight off of his foot. I knew my boss owned a good wheelchair that was just collecting dust in our office, so I asked her if I could borrow it for awhile. When she wanted to know why, I told her it was for my ex husband, who had broken his ankle. She was speechless. She was stunned. All I could think at this point was, "Yep, that's Jesus... not me!" Only through the love that Christ shows me on a daily basis, could I begin to find the grace to try and be helpful to my kids' dad.

Then there was the trip to the local ice cream palace. Yep, it's really called "Brock's Ice Cream Palace". Literally cool, huh? So I took my wonderful husband and my steppies, Thomas and Megan, to Brock's for a treat last week. While we were there, I picked up a half gallon of Cookies and Cream. When we got back into the car, Kevin asked me what the half gallon of ice cream was for and I told him that I was going to take it by the kids' dad's house as a get well token for his broken ankle. Again silence. I even got a raised eyebrow and funny look. "Why?"
It almost gave me a chuckle. So the question I turn to you is "Why not?".

Aren't these examples of what true forgiveness is about? Have we forgotten that we are called to stand out in this world? To be different... to make waves with our positive behaviour... to baffle those around us with our grace, kindness, love, generosity, patience, and faith? I encourage you to get on with the confusion. Let people ask you "Why". And when they do, give them THE ANSWER! Speak the truth and let them hear the transforming good news of JESUS!

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Now that I've got you alone...

Two years ago tonight, while dining at Ruby Tuesday, my dear Kevin took me by the hand and said, "Now that I've got you alone... Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Little did he know that I had a sneaking suspicion as to why we were meeting at the same restaurant where we held our first "meeting" almost a year before. Just before dinner I had purchased a sign at a party supply store that said "Just Engaged!" He may have been the one doing the asking, but I was already one step ahead of him.

Of course I said yes, and couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear. And two years later, I still have the same grin plastered to my face every time I look at him. Ok, so not every time... but 99% of the time! Like tonight. He had told me last week that he had ordered me something from ebay, and I sneakily talked him into letting me open it tonight. It was one of the best gifts I've ever received... a 1976 "Happy Days" board game just like the original one I loved in 1976!
I have to tell you... I was madly in love with "Happy Days". Not with Fonzie, or Richie or even Potsie (although how funny that I am now married to a guy who was nicknamed Pottsey in high school!) but I loved the show itself. Everything about it. Mrs. Cunningham's perfect hair and outfits, bratty Joanie, and of course Pinky Tuscadero. Naturally, I played my board game all of the time with my neighborhood friends. It was the first thing I would suggest when we were hanging out at my house. "Wanna play Happy Days?" And I always got the blue marker (to match my eyes).

So, this weekend when we take a little getaway trip to San Francisco to celebrate our anniversary on the 30th (yep... we were only engaged for 11 days!) I am packing the Happy Days game along. I think it will make a great addition to a picnic or lazy afternoon in the park. What a fun way to make new memories together and for me to share something so nostalgic to me, with someone who means the world to me!
May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

I am a planner. I like to plan gatherings, outings, and make to do lists. I love my little pocket calendar, and cooking up a scheme to do something fun. It seems like at this time every year, I am working on big plans. In 2008, I was knee deep in planning my wedding and reception. Last year, all five our children were taking big trips all over the globe at different points throughout the summer. This year, our oldest is graduating from Yuba City High School and going to college in the fall in addition to our first ever family road trip to Ohio and Indiana to visit my husband's family.

Yesterday I began jotting down all of the unfinished projects or things that needed to be done by the end of the summer. I almost flipped out. The list covered the front and back of a sheet of paper. On the list were several reminders of lists that needed to be made. I am a very visual person, so just having the items down on paper and out of my brain is a big help. But now I have to do something with these lists. So where do I start? At the top? The most urgent? The easiest? I guess a little of all of them. I have already marked off and rid myself of six items from my list. What a great feeling!

Do you know who else is a planner? My gracious Lord Jesus is a planner too! He has a master plan of salvation that leads to a forever life of fellowship with Him once this life on earth is through. It's not just a "Plan B" plan either! It's the whole reason we were created in the first place. He has been working on all of the arrangements with tender loving care since before time began. Can you imagine anything other than perfection with all of that effort invested? I can hardly wait for the celebrations to begin when He calls me Home.

Until then, though, He hardly leaves us without a plan for our time here on earth. My favorite verse in the Word is Jeremiah 29:11. In fact, I have an inspired tattoo to remind me that I am not alone here...

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So, no matter what challenges you are facing, HE is ready, willing, and able to show you the plans He has delicately laid out for you. They are great plans because He loves you and wants to show you just how much!
May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Disney Music Makes Me Smile

My friend Angel is amused by me. Whenever I start singing a verse from a Disney song, she stops, smiles and I can see her relax before my very eyes. She thinks it's fun that I know so many songs from the world of Disney, both old and new. Sometimes she asks me to sing her one when she is having a rough day and she is quick to remind me that her "friend Penny knows ALL the Disney songs and she sings them out loud when she goes to Disneyland." This is true. Angel and I have been to "Our Land" several times together and I do sing them... loudly and proudly when I am there.

This love of Disney music started when I was really young. My mom was the secretary for our church, so I spent a lot of time playing in the Sunday School classrooms which also doubled as rooms for the small private school our church operated. One of the teachers had a great collection of Disney soundtrack records that she allowed me to play, and play them I did! Every day during the long summer months, I played album after album while I acted out scenes and sang at the top of my lungs. I knew every beat, every skip and scratch of the record, and inflection of voice... and still do. In those classrooms I was Mary Poppins, Snow White, and Cinderella singing with the little birdies.

When I became a mother, I found some Disney Sing-a-Long video tapes for my kids to watch and together we discovered quite a few obscure songs and fell in love with the classics all over again. They were timeless and wonderful and I loved them still. I picked up several different boxed CD sets and played them often. A couple of years ago I discovered a podcast on iTunes that plays the songs and sounds of the Disney Parks. "A Window to the Magic" showcases the sounds of the Disneyland rides as well as features all music episodes. I play them on my computer at work quite a bit, and have been known to announce to Angel that I am "now on the Jungle Cruise" or "walking down Main Street".

I can't visit the parks as often I like, due to time and finances, but I can take a virtual trip anytime by playing some of my favorite songs or pulling up a podcast and playing one of WTTM's "Where in the Park?" games where the host will quietly enter one of the Disneyland Parks and proceed to an attraction without announcing where he is going. If you listen carefully, you will know exactly where he is based on the music, fountains, ride sounds and more. I can get my fix for free and put a smile on my face for the rest of the day! The magic of Disney is truly magical...
May your day be filled with Sparkle ( and Disney Magic ) from the inside out!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"Those Were the Days"

I received my Netflix DVD in the mail with a treasure inside. The Season I disc of the "Scarecrow and Mrs. King" TV series from the 80's. It had been two decades since Lee Stetson and Amanda King had graced my screen and I was so excited! When I popped it into the DVD player and the theme song began, I still knew every beat and scene from the intro. Ahhhh... nothing like a jog down memory lane.

Over the years I have picked up sets of shows from my childhood ranging from "The Carol Burnett Show" to "Magnum, P.I." and relished in re-living them all over again. The cleaner jokes and language, fewer innuendos ( if any ), more modest clothes, and more interesting story lines are much more entertaining than the stuff that is broadcast during prime time today. In fact, I have a hard time even naming a handful of current sitcoms or dramas that are worth our time. "Reality TV" has overcome our society with it's sensationalized overtones and fake drama and we lose sight of what is really fun to watch.

What shows were your favorites? Did you like "The Brady Bunch" or "M*A*S*H"? Do you remember maybe even learning a lesson from the shows you enjoyed so much?
If you haven't watched an older program in awhile, I recommend that you pick up a DVD of an oldie but goodie or tune in on the web on sites like or the like. Sit down, take a load of stress off by laughing outloud again with the characters of days past. It is really good for the soul and would be great to share with someone from today's generation. I know that my teenagers love my set of "Welcome Back Kotter" and will watch them fairly regularly. Now tell me that isn't something that brings a smile to my face ( and theirs)!
May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Grandma's China

My sweet Grandma Edith loved new dishes so I guess I come by it naturally. I would change my dishes out every 6 months if it weren't so expensive or wasteful. My mom says that quite often Grandma would go to the department store, find a set of china she really liked, go home and tell Grandpa, take him back to the store, and let him pay for the whole set. As my mom was telling our family this story yesterday at Easter Dinner, I couldn't resist chiming in to my husband that they were married for 56 years, so it must have been one of the secrets to their success!

Well, whether or not the shopping pattern had anything to do with their marital longevity, I love having some of Grandma's dishes in my home. I'm not really sure why we don't use them more often. I pulled them out of the hutch yesterday on a whim and there was just something wonderful about having our ham and dinner rolls on those sweet plates with the hand painted roses and silver trim. Everything seemed to taste better on the "nice dishes" and meal time was really enjoyable. Some people might say it isn't wise to let kids use such tableware, but why not? When will they ever learn to appreciate nice things if they aren't taught to? After all, the dishes are just things... things that will chip, break or become mismatched over time. Aren't they meant to be used, to be loved, and be a part of our special days and memories? I think they are.

Do you have special dishes or other family heirlooms that you forget to use and make a part of your family's memories? I know that once I started looking in my cupboards, I found a lot of things I don't use or appreciate anymore. Will you make an effort to incorporate them into your home and share with your children or grandchildren? Isn't that part of being a family? Sharing the stories of where things came from, the people that treasured them before us and passing on the legacy is so important for the younger generations to hear about.

What other legacy can you pass onto your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews or other children that are special to you? Do they know YOUR story? Maybe you could share some trials and victories, funny stories, and blessings from your life with them. How about your journey of Faith? Do they know about your relationship with Jesus? What do you wish they knew about your faith? It's time to start sharing and passing on these special legacies with those we love... while we can.
May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I Crack Myself Up!

Let's get one thing straight...

I am a complete goofball and willing to do a lot of things for a laugh.

April Fool's Day presents a lot of pressure for someone like me. You just gotta pull someone's leg today, and some people go to great lengths to make "fake" food, short sheet the bed, or a try a million other gags. Every year I tell myself I will do some planning and pull off a great prank on April 1st. And then I wake up on April 1st and realize I have nothing up my sleeve. Shoot!

Well, this year I came up with a little joke that has worked brilliantly for a last minute prank.

Remember my new socks I was telling you about from "Pippi's Longstockings" in Ft. Bragg? Well they are playing a part in my joke. I decided to wear them to work today, because they were green and matched my sweater. Then my plan hatched while I was driving to work.

I arrived at work and set my things in my office and turned on my computer. Then I slightly limped to my boss' office where she asked me like always "How are you doing this morning?".

Perfect! She's walking right into my plan....

Me: "Well, I'm ok, I guess..."

Her: "Why, what's wrong?"

Me: " I got bit this morning."

Her: "Really? By what?"

Me: (as I slowly and carefully pull up my pant leg like I'm in pain) "Ouch... well by...

...... (the big reveal! ) my alligator socks!"

If you missed my sock blog, the socks look like the alligator has eaten my foot and is biting my lower leg... teeth and all. Get it?
( you can order your own gator socks at for $9)

I know it's soooo 3rd grade humor, but it has made over a dozen people crack up today! And I felt so smart for being creative.

"Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food." ~Anna Fellows Johnston

"Laughter is an instant vacation." ~Milton Berle

May your day be filled with Sparkle ( and Laughter!) from the inside out!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What is Your Word Worth?

Time for an integrity check, friends.
If your friends, family, and co-workers were asked to rate you on your integrity, how would you score? When you make a promise or say that you will do something in particular, what is your completion rate? Would you be horrified to hear that you let people down on a regular basis, or would they give you rave reviews?
Long gone are the days of "being a man ( or woman ) of your word" in our society. Sadly, a handshake and a promise are not worth much. When you fail to fulfill a promise or duty, it not only reflects poorly on you, but in my opinion, if you are a believer and follower of Christ, it tarnishes His image as well.
Today I am having a hard time feeling very full of sparkle, because someone in my life did not follow through with a pledge to me, and now something important has gone undone. It wouldn't be so bad, but a chain reaction of events has begun and it will be a chore to fix it. In moments like this, I make note of how frustrating it is to be on the other end of a lack of integrity and I vow to try harder in my own life to not be the one disappointing someone.

"Whatsoever you do, do it from the heart, as to the Lord, and not for men." Colossians 3:23

I don't think any of us would brush off a commitment or promise to God, so why do we feel like we can half heartedly take care of our earthly promises? Maybe that's the problem. Many of us don't take our commitment to the Lord seriously, and therefore we aren't in tune with how we may not be taking our integrity and promises to heart.
I challenge all of us, myself included, to think of 2 or 3 promises or commitments we have made that may have fallen by the wayside in our busy lives. Write them down on an index card or Post It note and look at them daily. Pray about your response to those pledges of integrity. Where can you improve? What action needs to take place? Do you need to apologize for letting someone down? It may be tough to swallow, but by being more aware of where we have shortcomings, we can grow into a better example of who Christ is in us.

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Trust and Obey

Many of you will remember my struggle last week with patience. I had been frustrated with one of the Universities that my daughter, Millie, had applied to and waiting for their response to her application. After unsuccessfully dealing with my lack of patience on my own, I finally did what I should have from the very beginning and trusted God with the situation.

Quickly, I relaxed on the inside and the outside and felt that a weight had been lifted. And it had. The moment that you trust the Lord with an area of struggle it doesn't go away, however He is able to provide you with a peace that is unexplainable. His Holy Spirit also comes along side you in your walk to share your burden, and offer you support and comfort while you most need it. Why do we hold onto our worries and stresses, when all of these blessings await us when we give our troubles to Christ?

Two days after I gave my problem of impatience back to God, Millie got her answer. At first there was disappointment that Stanford hadn't admitted her, but quickly there was peace. How could we question the door being shut on that option when it was exactly what we had prayed for? Direction, answers, wisdom and peace with the big decision that would need to be made once Stanford responded was all handled for her in that moment! She was being cared for by the God of the Universe in the most efficient and amazing way. That is exactly the experience that every mom wants for her little girl! (By the way, University of the Pacific is very lucky to have her for the next 4 years!!)

As part of our giving our troubles to the Lord, we have a responsibility to rejoice in the answer He provides, whether it is the answer we desire or not. That is where the growing is. In being obedient and allowing God to lead us, we gain so much more than just going through the motions. Often we forget that the more we give to the Christ, the more we receive in return. Don't think that for one second that your worries are too big or too small for Him. He wants them all and He wants to bless you through them. Isn't that what love is, after all?

Today, give Him your burden or problem... but you must remember to let Him take it completely and remember to rejoice at the outcome!

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Abundance of Encouragement

Today I got a fortune in my cookie at lunch that I wanted to share with all of you.

"Share your insights with close friends for rewards this week."

I feel so extraordinarily blessed this week! Many of you, my dear friends, have sent me messages via Facebook, texts, or personally told me that you are loving the Sparkle Girl Blog and that it is helping you get through the day. Really? What a humbling reality for me.
For a long time now, I have had many people tell me that I should be a writer and photographer professionally, but of course I doubted my own gifts and figured they were just being nice. Now, what started as almost a dare from a couple of friends, is proving to be a very growing experience for me and apparently those close to me.

Thank you for letting Sparkle Girl into your hearts and lives. More than anything, I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for leading me to write what He lays on my heart and what may be used to bring peace and goodness to a world that desperately needs it. My goal is to keep up the blog as long as I feel the Lord will be using me in your lives... so make sure you keep tuning in to see what will happen next! Whether "The Adventures of Sparkle Girl" is read by 5 people a day or 500, I am excited to hear from each one of you if something really jumps out to you or gives you encouragement. Please feel free to leave comments and offer suggestions, if there is a topic you would like me to try and cover!
Blessings for a wonderful weekend to each and every one of you... be safe and may your day be filled with Sparkle from the inside out!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What's in a Name?

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet."~~ W. Shakespeare
Did you ever know someone (maybe yourself) that named their car? My husband named his 2nd car "The Fire Chicken", my first car was "Zippy" and we currently have a "Rex" parked in the driveway.
Which makes two "Rex"s for our house... as our 15 year old, Remington, decided in 5th grade that he preferred "Rex" to the "Remmy" that we had called him since he was a baby.
My daughter, Millie, is actually named Millicent... which started out as a joke before she was born.
(Milli-cent or "Little Penny"... get it?) You might say, I prefer names with a little more "Sparkle" than the more common names that some people name their children.
I grew up with a rather uncommon name. I could never buy the packs of personalized stickers, pencils or key chains like my friends with names like Kathy, Jill, or Amy. Sometimes I dreamed of a "regular" name for myself... Debbie was always my first pick. But now, as an adult, I have learned to embrace my name for all that it is. I can't imagine being called anything other than Penny. (Although I would like to try "Your Majesty" ... if I could get my kids to give it a go!)
When Kevin and I first met, nearly 3 years ago, I remember the day when I first heard his last name. I instantly thought, "Oh my gosh! I will have the cutest name EVER!" Later he confessed to me, that when he first saw my name in the first email I sent him, that he thought it would be a great name too. Everywhere I go, I get comments and giggles from people who appreciate they way our names go together. Penny Potts has a fun ring to it, you have to admit.
Even more exciting than my fun newlywed name, is this concept: those who choose to follow Christ and identify with His Glory are given a "new name", according to several places in scripture! This tells me that who we think we are on earth, is but a glimpse of who we will be in eternity where Jesus will write this new name upon us. The wonderful thing about this is that it won't be just any old name he places over us. It will be HIS name because He wants us to be a part of Him in the most intimate way, by sharing who He is with us. Isn't that something to look forward to?
You can get started on your re-naming process today, my friend. Ask Christ to begin transforming you into the person that He created you to be. He will help you find out who He is and what is important to Him along the way.
May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!
My patience is being tried. Severely.
Yes, I have 4 teenagers and a 9 year old living in my house, and yet, they are not the source of my impatience.
Who is?
Leland Stanford Junior University, that's who.
My daughter, Millie, sent off her application at the end of December for this wonderful school and the wait began. We knew it would be awhile before she received a response from the Office of Admissions, and that was o.k. with us... in JANUARY! Here we are, merely 7 days prior to the April 1st notification deadline and all of us are obsessing with the mail, email, and any other form of communication that could bring her the news. I wonder if they are using carrier pigeon this year, because it sure feels like it!
Ironically, Millie seems to be the only one in our family who is relaxed, calm, not watching the calendar days tick by. Perhaps it's because she has also been admitted to another great private university, and awarded their top merit scholarship... what's to worry about, right?

We all know that in Galatians 5:22 we are encouraged to harvest patience in ourselves. Sounds so good, but not so easy to do sometimes. So what's the trick? I have tried staying busy, tried to not think about it, but it's ever present on my mind. The one thing I haven't done is pray for patience.... duh... how easy is that? I have been praying for God's Will in where she chooses to got to school, safety for her away from home, and for all of her plans to be HIS plans, but not for patience. How silly of me! So today, I will shift my obsession to prayerfully seeking more patience and I'm pretty sure I will feel a lot better the minute I do!

Are you in need of a bit more patience today? I encourage you to try asking for more too... Won't it feel great to let go and not be so wound up over things you have no control over?

But before I go, here's a great quote that is exactly how I feel sometimes...

"I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end."
Margaret Thatcher

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Confession of a Sparkle Girl

Ok. According to my friends, family and acquaintances I am "outgoing, bubbly, sparkly, full of sunshine and have never met a stranger". I guess those words do describe me, but how about "shy, nervous, and socially anxious"? Yep... that's me too. Does that surprise you? When I talk about those things with my friend Angel, she just shakes her head in disbelief. Really, it's true. I have a moderate social anxiety that sometimes keeps me from outings, gatherings and even a High School Reunion or two. I despise small talk or "cocktail party" mingling.

I haven't always been this way and the good news is, it's getting better ( I think!)
When I look back at when I started feeling nervous about going to a friend's house to hang out and play games or any other place where I don't know everyone, it seems to be timed with events in my life that left me feeling "unattractive, unwanted, and unnecessary". I desperately wanted to find my perfect someone that would change all of those feelings, and in the meantime began to really believe that I was destined to be alone and anxious. Don't get me wrong. I had then and still have the best friends on the planet that love me so completely and unconditionally. I just didn't believe in myself.

Fast forward to the present. After meeting and falling in love with my amazing husband, who validates me in every way and daily erases a bit of that old insecurity, I finally am beginning to allow myself to be comfortable with ME. I almost even like me now!

Last night, our church was hosting a ladies game night of Bunco and I caught myself debating whether to go or not. I started making my list of reasons why I needed to stay home could feel my heart race at the prospect of making small talk with the women I didn't know. Ugh!! But, instead of passing up the opportunity to laugh and fellowship with some great ladies, I decided to go. After all, I'm pretty fun and nice to be with and besides, God always goes with me and seems to lay out a path of Grace before me. So I trusted that I would be glad that I went and boldly walked into the sanctuary with my head held high. It is no big surprise that I had a wonderful time! I even met a couple of new ladies that I really connected with and can't wait to see again at church.

Christian music artist, JJ Heller, also struggles with anxiety and panic attacks. It was from her experience with them and trusting God to take care of her that she wrote her hit song "Your Hands". This song has been a great reminder to me and maybe the lyrics can touch a special place in you today.

"I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away

I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine

When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands

When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yea, one day You will set all things right

When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands Your hands

Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still"

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Monday, March 22, 2010


I went to the cutest sock store ever yesterday in Ft. Bragg. It was called "Pippi's Longstockings" and if the sign isn't too cute, I don't know what is.

So Millie, Megan and I went in.... and oh my! The choices were many and adorable. I finally chose a pair that looks like an alligator (complete with teeth) is eating my feet, Millie picked cute garden gnomes with flowers, and Megan selected some labelled "Mismatched". Ok, the "Mismatched" socks are the best idea ever! How could I NOT have come up with this idea? It is a pack of 3 similarly patterned, but different colored socks. Yes, 3 of them in one pack. That way, when the ever elusive "Sock Monster" that lives in all laundry equipment eats one, you still have 2 socks that somewhat go together. I guarantee a mom came up with this marketing scheme!

What is it about socks? I abhor grimy ones, the ones I find under the ottoman in our TV room, and wearing socks to bed. The low cut ones slip down in my shoes and the ones with grippers on the bottom make me stick to the floor and nearly fall on my face. However... there is nothing like putting on a pair of soft, perfectly clean socks for the very first time. When I become independently wealthy from selling an idea that is as brilliant as "Mismatched" socks, I will only wear my socks one time and then donate them to a worthy cause. That will be the measure of my success.

In the meantime, I will continue to seek the eternally lost matches to our socks, nag about the ones left in the family room, and beg the kids to claim theirs from the wash every week. Ahhh... the glory of socks.

May your day be full of Sparkle, from the inside out!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Smell Me a Memory

Isn't the mind a wonderful thing?

A few notes of a song, and I can be taken back to high school in a heartbeat.
Just a nibble of my favorite cake, and I'm celebrating a birthday in my childhood home.
Today, it was the smell of a big fat fume filled Sharpie marker that took me to a far off place.
This place was my kitchen. I am 6 or 7 years old and I am making Shrinky Dinks!

You know the smell... the plastic curling up as you sit in front of the oven on the floor with the little light on to illuminate the magic! How many hours did I spend making little plastic flowers, hearts, kitties and minute nametags? The options were limitless, unlike a coloring book which contained but a few choices. Shrinky Dinks made my colors come to life, and the tiny plastic pieces were perfect for Barbie or Holly Hobbie to accessorize with! It was the perfect rainy day activity, or any day other than the hottest day in July.

It's funny, I have always loved the smell of those super stinky markers... maybe the Shrinky Dinks is why.

Maybe you can take a minute to think about a fun pasttime from YOUR childhood and recall how much fun it was or how it made you feel. Did you think of one? Did it bring a smile to your face? Can you name a kid or two that might like trying your hobby or game? Make a point to set aside some time in the coming week or two and share your favorite fun thing with them and create new memories with someone you love. I know Megan and I will be digging out our Shrinky Dink plastic and cookin up some fun real soon!

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

MidDay Haircut

Today I got a haircut on my lunch hour. More of a trim, I would say, but a visit to the beauty shop nonetheless. I love my new hairdresser, Polly. She is a very open, vivacious Christian and she works wonders with my curls. Even though she does magic with my hair, I feel a little "off" because I couldn't fix it the way I know I like it. You know the feeling. No matter how great you know it will be when you can get your hands on it yourself and do your normal "thing", it just doesn't feel right until then. That got me to thinking.

Is that how God feels when we try and do our "own thing" with our lives? After all, He made us, He knows how he designed us to be, and He often has to wait to get His Hands on us to fix us and get us back into place, like hair sprayed or curled into a different style. No one knows us like He does, but He lets us play at fixing our problems, making our own choices and trying something new. Until we realize it's just not working out for us, and we let Him make us over once again. Wow.... that must take an awful lot of patience! ( With some of us, more than others I'm sure!)

So, while I can't wait to take a shower, wash out the extra hair spray and curl inducer to style my hair the way I know it feels best to me, I guess I should more urgently run to my Father to let Him fix a few things in my character that may be out of place. Things like being judgemental, being impatient, and about a dozen other things that I could list. What areas of your life have you tried your hand at "fixing" and now they are a bigger mess than when you started? I suggest we all make an appointment right away for a makeover with God... I know we will just love the results!

May your day be filled with Sparkle, from the inside out!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What's Luck Got To Do With It?

Good fortune, an ounce of luck, wishing on a star...
Do you really know how BLESSED you are? That you are CHOSEN by the Creator of the Universe to live your life? That you are fulfilling your PURPOSE?

In a world that attempts to sell us on the concept of holding our own destiny in our hands, it is important to step back, slow down and remember. Remember that from the time you were being knit inside your mother, only GOD has held the road map or plan to your life. It may not have been the smoothest journey so far, but where did we get the idea that it was supposed to be easy?

I know that personally, there have been many things that have come my way with the potential to destroy who I am over the years. Have I let them tear me down? No.... I didn't have the ability to change the cold hard facts that my brother was killed when I was 5 years old in a very public accident or that my father left us due to his illegal drug addictions or that I had to tell my kids that their mommy and daddy weren't going to live in the same house anymore, but I did have the strength of Someone Bigger than all of those things to get me through the lowest places of my life.

It was during those times that all I could do was lean on the One who holds my life plan, and had good things in store for me on the other side of the valley. Wishing on a star wasn't going to give me the strength I needed, and I couldn't do it alone.

Are you in a valley right now? Are you out of work, buried beneath a mountain of debt, or struggling with medical issues you can't see past? Take rest... slow down and breathe... and TRUST. Not on luck, or a horoscope that may tell you that tomorrow will be better. Trust in the future that God is laying out in front of you. It may not look like the path you had tucked away in your mind's eye, but I guarantee that it will be richer, fuller, and blessed beyond measure!

May your day be filled with SPARKLE, from the inside out!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My mom has a nickname which was given to her by my friend Angel. She likes to call mom "Alice G. O. " (gee oh!) My mom is the most energetic retiree I have ever known and considers it a bad day when she has to stay home and has nothing planned. Hence the G. O. moniker. She is always on the go! In addition to a 6 week auto tour of The South this spring, she just informed me, quite casually, that yesterday she booked a trip to Panama for August. How exciting!

I was raised with the privilege of going on a lot of different adventures with my family and my mom. As a result, I, too, get the wanderlust that my mom has for exploring, discovering, and seeing as much of this world as I can. Poor Kevin has had to learn to adjust to my need to "go" and is a great travelling companion. It doesn't have to be anywhere exotic for me to be satisfied... just Somewhere!

One of the tricky aspects of having such a large family is trying to find the time and means to have adventures. I want our children to have the same love for learning about new places and experiences so I have to make efforts to give them that opportunity. I am always looking ahead into our schedules to see when the planets may align in such a way that we can venture out and see what we can see. In my book, it isn't often enough but we do what we can.

Thankfully, this weekend is one of those serendipitous times when we will be able to seize the moment and build new memories together! We will pack up the car, with no elbow room to spare, and drive west... straight to Ft. Bragg and the amazing Pacific Coastline. Megan and Thomas have never been to the North Coast, and I am looking forward to seeing it all again for the first time through their eyes. What new things will we discover about our earth, other people and each other?

What about you? Are you a modern day explorer? Be it through a great book or by hopping in the car and going somewhere you have never been I encourage you to venture out of your daily comfort zone and try something new. New places, new faces, new foods... just GO! Try it! You never know what you will discover and it just may add a little SPARKLE to your life.

May your day be filled with SPARKLE, from the inside out.

Monday, March 15, 2010

More Joy, Less Control

How many control freaks do we have out there? Why are we called "freaks" when there are so many of us? Shouldn't the term be "Control Normals"? Yeah, I thought so... If I were in charge, I would change it right away. Oh, wait. There I go again.

Well, the last year or so has been a real growing experience for me in regards to my "need" to control things. I don't really need to, you know... things will go just fine if I leave them alone. However, the compulsion to put my 2 cents worth in does make life pretty rough when no one around me wants my spare change. Thankfully, with a lot of Grace from God, Love from my dear hubby, and Patience from the busy kids in my house I have learned to let some of the petty things take care of themselves, and passed CONTROL to those around me. With 4 teenagers in the house now, I just had to come to terms with the fact that the only thing I can control is myself and my reaction to life. What a relief!!! I'm off the hook!

As I take the reigns of controlling my health and weight, I only feel freedom! It is so liberating to eat well and give myself credit for being successful. As I help my high schoolers take responsibility for their grades and efforts at school, I take the pressure off of myself and allow myself to just ENJOY my kids while I can. As I learn that the joy in life is being content and not always doing, I am creating a more positive environment in our home.

What changes can YOU make to ease up on your compulsion for control? Can you envision the results you may see in your life? Take it from a true control freak, it feels so good to let go!
May your day be full of Sparkle, from the inside out!