Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What's Luck Got To Do With It?

Good fortune, an ounce of luck, wishing on a star...
Do you really know how BLESSED you are? That you are CHOSEN by the Creator of the Universe to live your life? That you are fulfilling your PURPOSE?

In a world that attempts to sell us on the concept of holding our own destiny in our hands, it is important to step back, slow down and remember. Remember that from the time you were being knit inside your mother, only GOD has held the road map or plan to your life. It may not have been the smoothest journey so far, but where did we get the idea that it was supposed to be easy?

I know that personally, there have been many things that have come my way with the potential to destroy who I am over the years. Have I let them tear me down? No.... I didn't have the ability to change the cold hard facts that my brother was killed when I was 5 years old in a very public accident or that my father left us due to his illegal drug addictions or that I had to tell my kids that their mommy and daddy weren't going to live in the same house anymore, but I did have the strength of Someone Bigger than all of those things to get me through the lowest places of my life.

It was during those times that all I could do was lean on the One who holds my life plan, and had good things in store for me on the other side of the valley. Wishing on a star wasn't going to give me the strength I needed, and I couldn't do it alone.

Are you in a valley right now? Are you out of work, buried beneath a mountain of debt, or struggling with medical issues you can't see past? Take rest... slow down and breathe... and TRUST. Not on luck, or a horoscope that may tell you that tomorrow will be better. Trust in the future that God is laying out in front of you. It may not look like the path you had tucked away in your mind's eye, but I guarantee that it will be richer, fuller, and blessed beyond measure!

May your day be filled with SPARKLE, from the inside out!


  1. So. Somehow my comment for this post was displayed on your post from yesterday. Sorry!

  2. Thank you - So, how do we know we're on the right path and haven't taken a wrong turn somewhere?


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